Routes of History I: A Walk along the Hirado Highway

In 1656, the Hirado Domain opened stations, with staff and horses placed, at various important spots along the highway to make it more convenient for its lord to travel between the domain territory and Edo on a regular basis. In 1654, two years before that, the domain had built gun batteries along the port of Nagasaki by order of the Tokugawa shogunate and had taken charge of guarding Nagasaki by cracking down on the entry of foreign ships.
The Shimokata Highway, the Karatsu Highway, and the Hasami Road were secondary routes connected to the Hirado Highway. The Shimokata Highway, which ran north to south through Hirado Island, was also a pilgrimage route to Mt. Shijiki and Mt. Yasuman, both of which were revered as sacred mountains by local people. The Karatsu Highway, which ran between Haiki and Mikawachi in present-day Nagasaki Prefecture, and the Hasami Road centered in Hasami, which connected Kawatana in Nagasaki with Arita, Imari, and Takeo in Saga, were the starting points of the “ceramic road,” through which Mikawachi Ware and Hasami Ware ceramics were transported to be exported abroad.


旅する長崎学18 歴史の道I<平戸街道ウォーキング> 目次

■本陣コース(田平~江迎~佐々) MAP
[道案内] 起伏にとんだ台地を大名行列が行く
[歴史のとびら] 本陣や御茶屋でリフレッシュ
◇寄稿 山下庄左衛門(潜龍酒造12代当主) 「語り継ぐ江迎本陣の水物語」

■坂道コース(佐々~中里~佐世保~早岐) MAP
[道案内] 色濃く刻みこまれた江戸期のあとさき
[歴史のとびら] 平戸街道を彩る個性豊かな石垣

■藩境コース(早岐~川棚~彼杵・思案橋) MAP
[道案内] 「免」から「郷」への番所を通る
◇寄稿 久家孝史(松浦史料博物館学芸員)「平戸藩は船の活用が得意だった」

■下方街道北部コース(平戸城大手門~法音寺橋、安満岳追分~安満岳) MAP
[道案内] 下方街道は神秘的で野生に満ちている
[歴史のとびら] 10代藩主・熈は観光プロデューサー?!

■唐津街道三川内コース(早岐~三川内皿山~三川内) MAP
[道案内] 三川内焼を世界とどける
[道草スペシャル] 三川内皿山に伝統をみる

■波佐見往還(川棚~舞相~岩峠~舞相~小樽・小仏) MAP
[道案内] 波佐見焼を背負った馬が往還を行く
[道草スペシャル] 史跡「肥前波佐見陶磁器窯跡」めぐり


