Routes of History II: A Walk along the Shimabara Highway


Delicious, beautiful, and comfortable

This issue introduces the northern, southern, and western sections of the Shimabara Highway, just as with its administrative division in the Edo period. The northern section, which ran from Shimabara Castle town through Ariake Bay, was the most important section as the route used by the domain lord in his regular travel to Edo and by Nagasaki-based shogunal inspectors. The southern section, which ran between the castle town and northern Arima, was used by the domain lord to patrol the domain territory. The western section, which connected southern Arima to Aino, continued to be affected by rulers at times, providing the scene of various historical events related to the ban on Christianity and riots staged by local people. The Chijiwa Road and the Onsen Road were secondary routes connected to the Shimabara Highway. The Chijiwa Road, which traversed the peninsula from the castle town to Chijiwa, was used in rapid travel and as a logistic route, so it was also called the “sardine road.” The Onsen Road, which connected Obama, the castle town, and the Unzen hot spring, had both a beneficial aspect related to hot-spring treatment and pilgrimage and a tragic aspect related to the martyrdom of Christians.


旅する長崎学19 歴史の道II<島原街道ウォーキング> 目次

◇寄稿:高木繁幸(元長崎県立島原高校 社会科教諭)譜代大名ゆえの藩政かじとりの難しさ


■おもな湧水ポイント – いのち響きあう光景に出合う
■史跡指定キリシタン墓碑 – 碑銘や紋様に江戸期の信仰の姿をしのぶ
■世界ジオパーク – 火山とのつきあい方を学ぶ


